Privacy Policy:

Food Tech Projects holds the privacy of their users and web visitors in high regard. Therefore, we request all our visitors read our privacy policy before using our website. As a visitor, you are bound to these terms and conditions. 

We ask for your personal details if you register with our site or participate in any promotional events or webinars. These include Email address and device location. This demographic information is important to show ads that you may find relevant.

Access to Contact Information: 

If you request any assistance regarding information about a particular product or a promotional activity, we may share your contact information. We share this information with our developers, who can offer you the relevant product, content or software. Your information may also be shared with the partner or sponsor company. They will provide you with the material as requested. 

Two Part Registration: 

The registration and acceptance of terms are divided into two parts. You can either accept our terms and service or our Privacy Policy. The first access is important for viewing or accessing any certain part of the Food Tech website. Acceptance to the Privacy Policy includes the detail of how, when and why your information may be shared with third-party shareholders or sites. 

How to Restrict the Access to Your Personal Information? 

You can always delete the cookies through your browser if you do not want our team to access your information. It is generally found in the help section of your browser. We guarantee that our team uses technological and physical elements to safeguard your private information.

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